Dbs surgery

admendant to last post it was 3 attacks in 1 hour and a half not 15 hours major blond moment there.

Having just watch Mac on what would be your miracle Mac had a very serious tremor the worst I have ever seen. 

DBS was preformed in Bristol and at least 80% normality resumed on turning the system on.

My maximum respect goes to Mac.




Just watched that programme also BB. It's absolutely amazing what doctors and surgeons can achieve, it was so touching. The little girl was so brave and she was so pretty. I had tears in my eyes for them both, very interesting viewing. A must watch programme for next week!

Sheila x

Great idea to feature two distinct treatments. Both were magical in their own way. Emotional viewing.

hi bb

i would say my tremors are now just as bad,maybe even more , i got to go into hospital in march for my 5yr review ,they take you all of meds & switch dbs off , and you go to go through the night 8pm to  8pm in the morning to show how well its working and tweak dbs ,meds thats one of the tiring nights you go through.but its worth it in the end.you do this twice in 5ys

Hello BB and everyone else of course,


I had my appointment on Thursday this week and the consultant has accepted me for all the  

tests I  will need to have.

We are going to have to wait to hear from the coordinator to make all the arrangements.  She yexplained that i will need to be available for two consecutive days and we can opt to stay in a hotel overnight so do two outpatient days or be. admitted the previous evening to the test start day.  I will prob


This is the fourth time I've tried to carry on with this post!

I wanted to ask you BB if this was offered to you because my husband said that the hospital will pay if I opt for this and the waiting list is approx. 6 to 8 months but if I opt to go as an in-patient, the waiting list is a year!

I've thought long and hard about this and as I deteriorate I can't see anything better to help me. The consultant gave me a lot of confidence in the results they achieve.

So I'll certainly remember you in my prayers (That's if I remember to say them) and everyone that is in our position.

Bytheway, after what I said about how I would act at a meeting like the one we had, I quite behaved myself and even asked a few quite intelligent questions or so I thought'

With very best wishes




Hi casie I don't know what I will be asked yet my first appointment is on 1st July I will let you know just after then. BB XX

hi bb 

 is the dbs opp at london done with you completely asleep,i also remember my opp at bristol was with a very advanced robot which gets the wires within 0.2 mm of the target of the brain,also my waiting time for opp was no were near 8 months also it is up to the board decide whether they will fund the opp.and when you are told you may be suitable for opp,you have to wait for funding for 2-3 day assessment which i find very strange they can do this as a inpatient or out patient as i can tell you,you are definitely put through the mill very tiring ! i think funding for the 2 to 3 day inpatient time is around the £12k mark ,and at the end off this is when you will be told you can have dbs.

It seems like a lifetime ago but I had my DBS surgery in Queen Square London at the end of August and yes they do it with you asleep the whole time.

The sooner you get the ball rolling the sooner you (hopefully) get the surgery and the benefits of it! 

Thanks shaken not stirred hi Gus I have no info yet as to DBS but shaken not stirred has answered your question. What I will do Just before I go for appointment is write a list of questions . BB x

thats great your asleep,and a good ideal about writing Q down


I have a very dear friend going through DBS today, she has parkinsons and belongs to the local parkinsons group.I wish her well and a speedy recovery..........

Give her my best wishes shefinn I hope she is ok and it works as it needs to for her xx


Thank you BB will pass on your good wishes, how are you now after your "off meds experience", hope you are back to 'normal' (if there is a normal!) I wish you well. I see you may be going through this same op some day, I will keep you updated regarding my friends experience if you wish, or would you rather go blindly forward  into it with no knowledge and find out for yourself, because lets face it we are all different in all aspects of life.

Hi I am intrested to hear how she is and gets on I can not blindly go into anything such as this operation without dotting all the it's and crossing all the T's. My going of is know behind me hopefully don't really wanna go there again. So yes normality has resumed if we can ever be classed as normal bow. Hope you are ok speak soon xx


Hi BB, actually had a tx message today from my friend!, she is doing really well, will probably be out tomorrow, but won't visit her till Friday all being well.

Sheila x

good I am please to hear that xx