Diagnosed yesterday

Thanks Daffy I asked the GP about referring me but he said he has never had to do that before and that it will automatically happen when the letter is sent out by the consultant i did explain that there would be a delay - seems a bit odd to me just because I have questions now that I just didnt think of when the consultant gave me the diagnosis 

Thanks for pointing me to the helpline I will give them a call. 

Hi Eccles,

Did you get any result from the helpline? I know just what you mean about thinking of a whole load more of questions to ask after the appointment is over! I've taken to jotting them down so I can ask another time, if they're still relevant then....

I haven't heard when my next appointment to see anyone is for sometime now but fortunately I don't feel to bad at the moment. Wouldn't mind it being a bit cooler though. Regards Daffy

Interesting, I also live in Germany and have been diagnosed since 1st June 2017. The Germans are nothing if not thorough! Would be interested knowIng what drugs you have been prescribed, I'm on Clarium which seems to have taken away the stiffness in my joints except my right hand. My tremor is still around and I'm goIng to ask if there is an additional med that might help. Any suggestions?

ive had some occupational therapy nad physiology and will start some speech therapy next week.


Interesting, I also live in Germany and was diagnosed on 1st June. This was no big surprise as I had had symptoms for about a year an MRI scan and DAT scan confirmed diagnosis.  The Germans are nothing if not thorough and I got great treatment. I am on meds which have helps with joint stiffness but my tremor is still active. I've been prescribed Clarium. Any idea what drug might help with the tremor? I've had some occupational therapy and physio and start speech therapy soon - as I say  Germans are thorough.

Work and exercise are keeping me sain at the moment and my handwriting is driving me mad!!





Hi JDavies

I didn't have a scan, just diagnosed on symptoms. I live in England.. Dr put me straight on sinemet which seems to work ok for me. I don't know if you have PD nurses in Germany. I've seen one twice&she was really good. Tweaked my doses so that the medication worked better. I do feel much better&sleep patterns improved but the tremors' still with me. Tends to be worse if I'm tired or wound up. Writings variable too