DVLA medical licence renewal. How long is too long

So sorry to hear about your car accident, and now of your difficulties in trying to get your driving licence back . One and a half years seems an extraordinarily long time to be waiting.Have you had no explanations for the long delay?
I am sure in time, you will receive a response, but of course in the meantime, you are stuck in limbo. I wish I knew how you could proceed. Perhaps someone here will have some advice. Meanwhile, know that others are thinking of you and wishing you well Best wishes. EMx

I to am having the problem with renewing my licence at the age of 79.
I have had 2 eye tests, 2 medical checks an still no licence.
Ok the licence is for Group 2 to include C1E and D1E as new regulations appear to require it for towing my caravan which is 1600kg.
I like others above have rung DVLA waited ages only to be told it is with the medical team.
Then about 2 weeks ago I recieved a further letter stating that they were contacting my doctors again.
It continued to ask me to read leaflet INF94 which I did.
In it a paragraph states that unless you have been told not to drive then whilst a decision is being made you can continue to drive within the classes/groups that your expired licence shows.
So please read INF94 and the make a decision to drive within the classes you had
Hope this clears up some of your queries.