DWP - Give us a break!

How do you go to work 4.47am post again !

Also not forgeting deep brain stimulation. i am the youngest of 4 brothers and they take no meds at all!. wife says im the runt of the litter. lol


Hi Gus.

No, of course not. I'm on lots of meds myself. I take about 28 tablets a day plus Cocodamol as and when I need it!  I just didn't want to use this thread as a personal chat thing. And since the powers that be on this site won't give us a proper chat room or instant messaging feature.....

I tried to send you a private message but I couldn't find you on the list. Does that mean that you're not up for private messaging?


No just dont know how to put myself on private list.thanks

kathy ,i think i,ve done it went to my account settings and ticked private messages,hope this works.


I've sent you a private message.



I'm  sure that virtually all dwp employees are doing their best, like any office there are some nutters, sociopaths, delinquents, morons, jobs worths, etc. just like any office, cafe,  retail outlet, concert, opera, etc

lets say there is one, the dwp office nutter, now give them inadequate it systems, poor traijning, outdated procedures, and for the sake of argument, let's remove their frontal lobe, no let's not(keep it together eck). 

Then team them up with decision makers and the government of the day, who have no grasp on reality.  

Then, now this is getting far fetched I know, but bear with me, then give the nutter a phone and a list of carers.

the nutter is given a script by the delusional powers that be, it reads thus:

"you are in receipt of care-pittance allowance, because you care for x disabled adults"

{wait for the "yes"} [nb. Anything else is a change in circumstance- cut benefits and hang up]

{sound smug and self congratularly} ."So surely, if you can do that 24/7, you can go back to work"

[BADA-BING!! Adlib to fade .... 

Meet any resistance with phrases such as:

"well I've got kids, and I manage to work"

and if all else fails

"don't know, ask your GP "and finish off with we'll send you a letter confirming, things {like that we are clueless"