Hatefull ,Spitefull ,Selfish, Thoughtless

Hi there  hope youo don't mind me joining in on this discussion but I really sympathise with FED. i am nearly 64 and this hellish illness has been  blighting my life for 10  years now.It has slowly and steadily taken away all life's simple pleasures and made it very hard to enjoy life and look forward.  I can't spend a long time on the computer, I can't read for a while as I get too stiff sitting. My joints ache from dragging myself around and now I can't even play properly with my grandchildren as get  tired so quickly. NOw even food is ceasing to be a  pleasure as I have such a dry mouth most of the time and food is starting to stick. If I watch a film my eyes go funny. It's endless. What with all the above, the constipation and sleepless nights life is not exactly a bowl of cherries for parky patients. I am fortunate tp have a supportive family but when I am upset and distressed, as happens frequently they just don't know how to react. I wouldn't wish PD on any one but if they cou;d just shuffle in our shoes for one day it would perhaps let them see just how we feel. Hope you are doing OK as seems some time since last post.


 Hello  Bovril of course I dont mind you joining in you are most wellcome, in fact reading your post it was almost to the last full stop, my story so you have my sympathy, I am at this moment  shutting down my friend so I will have to make this a short post, I will catch up later, appologies

                                      Kind Regards  FED