I have young on set Parkinsons

Hello LIN,

I am currently taking:- Madopar Slow Release 2 x 125mg 3 times a day
Pramipexole 2 x .35mg 3 times a day
Rasagiline (Azilect) 1mg once a day

+ I am allowed up to three Madopar 125mg DISPERSIBLE tablets a day when needed (I always need one first thing in the morning to get me moving, it takes usually
about half an hour to work and then I'm capable of taking my other morning tablets. Most days there is at least one other occasion during the day when I "switch off" and have to take another dispersible to get me moving again, some days I have to take all three ie morning, lunch time and evening.

I have dreadful nights when I'm awake most of the time, but can hardly move, so just recently I've been advised to take one Madopar slow release at bedtime, that might be having a slight effect but nothing very noticeable.

The on/off effect is fairly random and I sometimes wonder whether some of it is in the mind to a certain extent ie it's less likely to happen when you keep yourself occupied and concentrating on something?

Oh, perhaps I should mention that I also take blood pressure tablets.

What medication are you on how do we compare?
Hello Leogirl_ I will get back to you in two minutes
I have just been speaking to my GP because she had a letter from neurologist regarding my meds.
I take madopar, stalevo, requip XL and Caramet (sinamet?) CR

madopar to get me going in the morning (which seems to work)
8.30am stalevo 50
10.30 requip XL 16mg
11.45 stalevo75
3.30 Stalevo 50
7.30 stalevo 50
11.30 caramet/sinemet CR - to help me through the night

The neuro suggested that I double the amount of stalevo! I'm going to introduce a bit more slowly than he suggested. To double in one fell swoop seems a bit drastic to me.

No two days are the same for me but I am beginning to have long 'off' times. I agree it helps to keep occupied - mostly I can but sometimes I can't do anything and just have to sit or lie down.
I hate the inactivity.
Also, sleep - lack of it - is becoming an issue - I go to the loo several times in quick succession. I am terrified of losing bladder control!
Old before my time! I was diagnosed 16 years ago and am 57 now.

Hi Lin,

Thanks for your reply, we do sound pretty similar in some respects, it would be good to compare notes we might be able to help each other with some of our thoughts and observations.

I have to go out in a short while, but I will get back to you asap, I will start a new thread under the TREATMENTS section and head it for your attention. Speak to you later.

Leogirl x