Intolerance to levodopa

You’re welcome. If you’d been advised to wean off the Sinemet by your doctor, then I’d follow their advice and I’d also get their thoughts on how much alcohol you can consume. Hopefully one beer won’t do any damage! :blush:

Thanks Reah. I really appreciate the advice.

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Thank you. I need some positivity at the mo.

Hi Sasha - thought I had replied but can’t find copy of reply so am supposing didn’t do. You asked about patches but I didn’t use them as getting the amount right was trial and error (as is everything) but not adaptable quickly as tablets.
Consultant put me on Selegiline hydrochloride (Zelapar) which dissolves on tongue. So far (3 weeks) no side effects but no noticeable changes either. Sorry if this is repeat info.


Thank you for your message.

I have not logged in for a while, but no thank you so much for this advise as well.

My mum has not tried this medicine as of yet, we are waiting to see a neurologist at Charing Cross hospital.

Let me know if anything changes with this new medicine you’re trying.

Thanks Sasha

Hi Duffers Can you get beer on the NHS I have got the wrong doctor

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Believe it or not Pete, I was feeling awful nearly all last week. I went to PD warrior and had a work out, and had a few scoops of the old Stella Artois Saturday night, Got a really restful sleep sleep and began to feel normal for two days.
I’m not a neurologist and don’t advocate this as a habit, but I speak from experience.

Hello,I improved when the doctor took me off madopar,still off of it now,bye.

Please can you advise me of the name and hospital for the consultant who recommended physical activity… i would very much like to get in touch as it seems like someone who listens to a patients concerns. I don’t understand why nutirtion and physical activity is not recommended as the first course of action, and checks on key thigs like B6, B12, gluten / wheat intolerances, etc before any diagnosis is made. Parkinsons is hard to diagnose. Surely medications should be the last resort as they have so many side effects?

Hi @Devs,

A warm welcome to the Parkinson’s UK forum.

Can you you let me know which comment you’re referring to so I can ‘@’ the person that made it for you? Also, you may be interested to know that we have a lot information on exercise on our website which goes into detail about the different forms of exercise that are good for managing symptoms. You can find this information here -

With regard to diet, making some simple changes to your eating and drinking habits may help you manage your symptoms. We have more information and tips here -

I’m sure you’ll hear from others on the forum soon, however, if you need to speak to someone about the questions you raised, feel free to give us a call on 0808 800 0303 or email us at [email protected].

Best wishes,
Forum Community Manager

Don’t forget to give me the doctor’s name once you get it.

I am on Madopar. Which also has the medical name of levodopa. It says so on my tablet bottle. So it looks to me that they are two names for the same drug. Apologies for my ignorance if I am incorrect.