Is it Parkinson's or not ...?

big grin

                    How about Parkinsonism my  Consultant told me there is a group of  symptoms all similar and grouped  under Parkinsonism  and its weeding out which is which that  causes so  much anxiety pain loss of  sleep  Hypersexuality  Gamblingitus  buyingstuffitus,   etc  once  the  best  drug  is  found  optimising the Anti Parky  element  then you  can  settle  and get  back  on the bike  of  life  and  peddle  off ???   Im  not  really  bonkers its  the  pills  you  know

                                              FED4   or  FEDexlike4   (its  a long  story)

Hi Twinks

Thanks for the update.  Apols for the late reply  I don't log on that regularly.   I'm just 'getting on with it' to be honest.  

I think I might try the Mucuna.  I'm still waiting to see a PD nurse, so on no medication yet.  Things do seem to be moving on, though it's manageable.

I might look into medical marijuana at some point too as that seems to be providing some people with considerable relief.

Hope you're doing well.

All the best x

Sorry to hear you've been having a rotten time FEDEX.  Fortunately, it sound like there's no keeping you down for long, and just like a champagne bubble you're on the way up.  You're an inspiration.

Keep battling sweetheart. x