Morbid thoughts

My heart always goes out to the younger group who come here.I like what you said you restrict your drugs so your brain doesnt expect them.I know actualy how you feel.

My doctors loaded me up with way to much and I ended up with a bad case of jerking(myoclonus)This was three years ago.I found I am very sensitive now to c/l even brand chages set it off.

I now take 2 doses1.5 25/100along with 100mg comtan,no cr at bedtimes maybe 1/2 c/l25/100.I rely on my coffee for am till about 1pm.It works maybe not as limber but I can walk 3 miles even am with no meds.

Hope you feel better I know at 7 years I have a ways to go and know what the end of road is like ,but when is unknown and it keeps me postive.I direct my energy now helping restore our democracy here,best med  lol


Hi Titan

you sound like my old self before I found dr.Abraham Low Recovery International.Morbids thoughts are a symptom (harmless manifestation of a nervous imbalance)Nervous symptoms come in many forms,remedy ,distressing but not dangerous.I had them for years still come ,now I know and can laugh.PD in am will wake me up with them and I know so I just say ,it;s old PD waking me up,lol

Dr.Lowkept it simple no diagnosis except ,you have a fate given nervous condition caused by tenseness(fear and anger allergy.

Well good luck and message me if you like 


john the yank