New On Here

Am new on here & don’t know if I am doing this correctly….
Anyway, here goes….I decided to join the forum as I’m feeling very stressed out today with my husband’s PD monster & need the contact especially as I am housebound and have several longterm conditions myself. I am sure I shall benefit from reading the previous posts and replies from those who have trodden the path before me….My husband was diagnosed about 11 years ago but clearly had undiagnosed PD a lot longer than that. It went undiagnosed for a long time as he was also diagnosed with ME and for years new symptoms he experienced were always attributed to his ME until it became quite clear that something else was going on…. We’ve coped quite well until recently when the ‘mild cognitive impairment’ morphed into something worse.
Just saying ‘hi’ really :wave::wave:

Hi Tryinghard,

Welcome to our community forum. We’re sorry to hear things have been difficult of late, but we are happy you are here, and soon to receive the benefit of our lovely community’s wisdom and welcome.

Just so you’re aware of the resources we offer here, we have a free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303 staffed with wonderful advisors who are able to assist in a range of ways, from medication questions to finding local support. Added to this, our website ( has loads of helpful material, including research news, informational reading, and archived forum discussions.

We hope these tools can assist you and your husband, and we’re sure you’re going to benefit from your time here.

With our warmest welcome,

Forum Moderator

Hi, i took am 'stressed out ’ wife of husband with parkinsons so i understand what your going through. This month its my health thats deteriorated, and he, is helping me more than i can help him right now. The advice and support on this forum helps me keep things in perspective. Much more to gained from the charity helplines and web sites than from gps these days. Every day is different for us all, ive just had 7 vertebral fractures confirmed, i fear for my ability to cope and help hubby , communicating with others will help you. I hope you have some decent parkinson’s nurse support? But never hesitate to contact all the agencies you can. There is help out there, it mostly doesnt come to you but pd helpline might give you signposts of where to go. You are not alone

Hi Tryinghard,
Firstly yes, you are doing it correctly whatever that means, :grinning:
The forum is here to help and there is no “correct” way to say what you are thinking, if anyone doesn’t like the way you express yourself, they really don’t need to read your thoughts.
Honestly don’t make their problems yours.
Now that I’ve got that out of the way, anytime you want to ask questions or say something, please do, we are all here to help each other.
We all understand what you are going through and the stress you are under.