New to forum

pq..............what symptoms does she have?
Hello to all Newbies that have posted here and hello to Arsene, I will try to answer your questions:

1/ The meds should help to alleviate your unsteadiness. If they don’t talk to your PD nurse as they may up the dosage slightly for you.
2/ I don’t think anybody would recommend stopping the meds without speaking to your neuro. Usually once you have a definite diagnosis of PD and you start to take meds you’re usually on them for the duration.
3/ I certainly would think that if you stop the meds PD would still be there. It’s incurable, however it can be managed with the meds.
4/ Yes. The intention of the meds is to slow the process of the condition down.
5/ We are all very individual, therefore our PD symptoms will progress at different rates.

If it’s any help, I have had PD for 11 years and I only stopped working full time 4 years ago.I am 61 years of age now and my PD is only just starting to give me real problems. You will no doubt have many more questions that you want answers to and that’s ok, so please feel free to ask any questions on the forum. In general people are very kind here and there will always be somebody that has an answer for you.

You have said that you are taking Mirapexin, did your doctor offer you any advice about possible side effects? A word of advice that I would give, is that if the dosage of Mirapexin increased, please ask family members or friends to monitor you and if they see any changes in your personality/character do tell your PD nurse or doctor.
I hope that I’ve answered your questions? If you go to the home page of this forum you will find a section that can provide you with a lot of good advice.
Take care

Thank you for your reply to my five newbie questions.
I note that you worked for many years while affected by PD.
While I wish to continue working, it is proving difficult
owing to the physical instability and groundless anxiety which overcome me at times. This along with the shakes and loss of
general strength and fitness means I cannot predict how any day
will pan out.
I have not started taking the mirapexin yet as I am still adjusting to my various symptoms and want to get a feel for what I can still achieve without the meds.
I have had the standard symptoms since May this year (tremor, anxiety, balance, some lack of muscle control, clumsiness,
stiff left arm).
After several months of this, I realise I will have to try the meds in the near future.
When I do, then I will report on here what effects or side effects are forthcoming.
Best Wishes,