Off state

Thank you all I really do appreciate your support especially now I have left my other half as well. X

Good god bb 

it's no been a great week for you. Look after yersell lassie no stress !! 

Sorry to here that bb hope you both can sort stuff out.gus

Hugs BB

Sorry to hear that BB, stay strong and look after yaself.


Sorry to hear of your split. Another complication of parkies?

im not being nosey, it's rhetorical, wishing you all the best. 



Hi bb, although we have never spoke I must say I admire your courage to go through with this procedure. And admire it even more as you will be doing it without the support of your partner.

Good Luck


Hi bb sorry to hear your news regarding your split hope things are going ok apart from that.

  Live well.  Cc


This is the first time I have spoken to you, although I always read your post.

You sound like a fighter and also very positive.

My Aunt had DBS about three years ago, before the operation, she had problems with mobility, her speech was quite bad, she also had tremors and she also had problems with her legs kicking out without her being able to control them, she was on a lot of medication.

The operation took quite a long time, she spent two days in hospital,which was a surprise as we thought she would be in for a few weeks, due to the op that she had.

For the first few weeks things were slow and she looked like she had been in a boxing ring and lost, however, you should see her now, she is fantastic, you would not know that she has PD, she shows no signs of it at all, and she is off all her medication, for her the operation has been the best thing.

I hope that all goes well for you and wish you all the very best.


Take care

Beatrice xx

Beatrice thank you so much for telling me this this op although I plan to go ahead with it i will admit to being terrified. This is encouraging for me i have promised everyone on here I will keep this post updated so I can let everyone know what the process involves and I will so feel free to message me again, I would struggle to deal with this condition without the support I have found from Parkinson's UK and the forum members. Also to all me and my husband are talking so we are trying to resolve any issues we have i dont think it can be done quickly but I will let you know. Thankyou for your support and kind wishes. Your friend BB XX

the making up is the best part !


Sorry to hear such sad news but really hope you can work things out but end up with what you want?

I'm looking forward to tomorrow (not), Thursday and Friday and if I survive that, I'lt let you know!

Take care

All the best.




Will do hun take care be thinking of you.



caasie,  you having dbs opperation.if so all the best.


Hi BB - I wish you all the best with what you will be going through with the DBS, and also with what you are going through now with your other half. It is'nt easy to keep a relationship going at times when you have parkinsons, believe you me, we've had some moments when I'v felt like walking out, then it all settles down till the next time. The more it happens it makes you stronger for what you have been through, so stay strong and take care and hope things work out for the better

Luv Sheila x

Thanks Sheila much appreciated. BB x

Hi all

Well, I' ve been and gone and done it.!

It's taken me a few days to get over my LDopa challenge but I have managed.

Now I have to wait for the coordinator from the hospital to contact me with a date for a multidisciplinary meeting, where the results of all my tests are discussed and they will discuss the suitability of me having or not having the DBS.operation.

Hope you are OK BB and Gus?

all the best 


Hi cassie, Good to hear from you, can I ask how difficult did you find the challenge. I must admit knowing how bad by distonia was at my last trial review the challenge is the one thing I really am not looking forward to. Hope to hear from you soon best wishes BB xx
It's not nice the assessment when you go all of your drugs .you do alot off task walking, holding drink,memory games, putting pins in a board bit like game crip also great big lighting this was at Bristol maybe different to London. All best casie

Hi BB, Gus and y'all out there!

  Sorry to leave it so long in getting back to you.    I think that the two days that I had at The National  hospital were quite  grilling  but I got through it  and now I have to wait for htheir opinion. 

 On the first morning we had to be there at 8 o'clock.   My OH  was really great and organised everything to run smoothly. 

My first meeting was with the psychology department who kept  me there for over 2 1/2 hours she had pages  and pages of questions and tests of my cognitive skills.  My memory wasn't up to scratch so I didn't do well there . The psychologist asked me to repeat numbers after her which I could do but when it came to about six or seven in a row  and repeat them backwards I just gave up!! 

She questioned me on who was our Prime Minister  I was able t o say her name and then I asked her not to ask me about members of the Cabinet because I just d isn't know any of their names. I just said that i knew who the previous was - David Cameron.  I then had to sit around until 5.30pm for my MRI scan but the nurses gave us 2 x £5.00 vouchers each day for lunch.

We were taken to the X-rayDepartment.  I nearly blew up when they found that I still had my Apo-Go pump  on.  Therefore, if I wanted to keep this app with them, I had to take it off.

Second day was Levadopa Challenge day. We arrived at the hospital at 8:30am. I hadn't taken my PD meds since the night before! I must say they didn't keep me hanging around but it was about 1.1/2hrs of questions and taking videos of my movements. The nurse then gave me 450mgs of Dopamine and while I waited for it to work, i saw the speech and language specialist.  He didn't take too long and he said everything was fine on his side of things.

i then had to g through the same process again but this time on.  Whilst the specialist nurse was doing all these tests,she was explaining to me what I should be thinking about.  She told us that when all the results of the tests were collated, she would organise a meeting for all the people involved in my case to meet to discuss their findings.

Hope they offer me a place but even if they do, I'll have to go on a waiting list for aproximately six or seven months.

I'll keep you posted.

all best wishes
