One additional drug has helped me walk!

Hi Ian

I sometimes wonder who I am kidding when I say I am ok. It usually means I've got through the day without falling over or dropping too much!  These ARE achievements, but absolutely nothing compared to those on my mental “to do” list each morning.  Last fall was about 10 days ago, stupidly managed to fall over backwards when dismounting from my bike! Cracked my cycling helmet, more easily replaced than my head, and still have a sore shoulder. .   .  ,  It is so weird, and annoying, that I know a fall will happen a few seconds prior to the event, but can't actually stop it happening.

My neurologist has prescribed a dopamine agonist, pramepexole, to help even out my meds and reduce my off times. Haven't started it yet because I've been on antibiotics for two weeks for a longstanding dental  infection.  I didn't want to start to take them at the same time. I will have a tooth extraction on Monday, and all being well, plan to start them later in the week. Have no faith in new meds, for me they always, so far, have side effects that far outweigh any benefits. But, this could be the one! I must try to think positive.

On the not-walking front, there seems no med that will help me, either now or in the foreseeable future. So, we have taken the plunge and booked a week in Italy at the European Parkinson Therapy Center at the end of September. All reviews seem extremely positive, and, failing any improvement in my mobility, it should be a very pleasant early autumn break.

I so admire you taking on Buddy!  Ed is 6 years young this month. I took him to puppy classes and later started to do agility with him but soon found I could not do any of it safely. He was so responsive, easiest dog I have had, would have been brilliant. One of Ed’s favourite toys was an empty plastic milk container with a rope tied on the handle. Either we would run pulling it along, (yes, I could run then!) and he would try to get it, or he would grab the rope and dance with it, swinging it around and around. Hours of fun for him and entertained us all.

Buddy sounds great!


Aye aye supa 

you are right on the money I to have no faith in these bloody drugs they haven't done anything to me but all the ones I know have had some bad experience . Am getting to the stage where I can't get my feet to move but sometimes I can move for about a minute then all goes wrong shoulder sliding along the wall and furniture walking bent like a half shut knife , aw well push on anyway but lately I pour sweat fighting the nerves that are shaking I get so knackerd only you know what I mean . (Rant over ) 

yes if I didn't have my wife I would not have buddy as the only walk he gets from me is by my bike thank god I can still cycle , you sound slightly worse than me but only slightly , aye it's funny how we buy toys for dogs and they rather household things buddy's is plastic butter tubs they look like someone's thrown darts at them his needle little teeth ( good luck at the dentist supa) well I better get buddy out to pee and go to bed night night sunflower take care 

Ian X 

Aye aye supa 

how are you doing with the walking now ? Are you managing  a short walk or has it got worse wish there was. A drug to help us. Or better still a cure am not good just now at all I see the PD nurse next month  she normally tells the neuro how am going ( walk a few steps and the left leg tightens then the arms start to shake now and it's game over I have to stop sit a while then try again , the only thing that seems to help is sleep but only for a short time and carrying somthting is not possible I freeze . Yet amazingly I can still go the bike weird eh !!  . I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of folks on here you posted with and I am jealous they are a lot better on their legs than I am .  God am a right moaner the day sorry s 

hope Edds well , buddy is at the all leg stage now ( buddy long legs ) dogs are great but I often wonder what buddy thinks as he stays at my heel and study's with his frown on as I get stuck at doorways . Hope this finds you  well .tooraloo sunflower 

Ian x


Hi Ian

This site moves too fast for me. Can't keep up so this will be short.

Not been in good place recently, fell and fractured wrist 4 weeks ago. But light at end of tunnel now, plaster cast off in 15 days. Affects walking, everything takes forever with one hand etc etc.

Good to hear about Buddy long legs. Ed also has a serious face, looks like Clement Freud somehow, but would speak in John Major’s voice.

Have good evening


Aw supa supa !!! 

Thats not good at all the last thing we need is damaged bones sure it will heal but you will have to be extra slow when it does , dam it's so frustrating this walking or in our case trying to , as if things aren't bad enough must be a nightmare all the everyday things you need your hands to do you have my sympathy on that one , I have only had one bad fall on a concrete floor I was lucky nothing broke my hip hit down hard it frightens me now so slow is the way now not that I walk fast anyway but you know what I mean as a freeze almost topples me over , aw I don't need to tell you , hope it heals well , I see the nurse next month but it's the neuro I need the nurse is very nice to talk to but the neuro is the way forward if there is one at all ( am moaning again ) . Loved your description of Edds expression buddy is the same with his frown as he watches me shuffle round the house or sometimes he walks behind dabbing his nose on the back of my legs I think he thinks it helps , I wish he could talk . Well that's all my news you take care of edd and yourself tooraloo sunflower 
