Suspect threads


    Hello Flo,  coathangers are the work of the most evil beasts lurking in the underworld, they are delivered to your wardrobe by the" flyingevilbeast" while you sleep,and lie in wait for the unsuspecting human to select one, this creates a lightning quick response by all the hangers , they all lock together, entwining themselves making selecting your chosen clothing impossible , the "wiresbeasts"  are the worst, I have destroyed most of the plasticsfromhell"  but the wires are the worst, and have defeated many attempts to untangle them even that RUBIK bloke of cube fame.

                                         Must go, Regards  FED



Hi Fo and Fled, this must rank as bizarre symptom no 2,417 - an inappropriate reaction to an inanimate object.

The things I swear at these days! (and they don't take a blind bit of notice). Computers are the worst, of course, coz they do things *deliberately*; coat-hangers are more passive-aggressive little squirts. There's a doctorate for someone in a study of why, when it's us that have PD, it's non-sentient objects that become bloody-minded.

And don't talk to me about tools that go and hide themselves, just to see how far I can be goaded. Well I hope they're satisfied, that's all I can say, sob, sob.


Hi Fedexlike,

I'm really glad my suggestions on how to prevent losing of posts have helped you - I understand how frustrating this must be! Another suggestion to help prevent this happening accidentally, is to write your longer posts in another applications such as Word or Notepad, save it there, and then copy and paste this text when creating you forum post.



         OK thankyou for your assistance Sarah
