The point of this forum

That is precisely the point Heather. Wacky, badtempered, cranky,rude, warm, lovable, good listeners. We are all of these things and more, but by far the most important thing is that we all have a connection that will bind us together for ever. For me it's very simple we are what we are and that's that. Lovely to hear from you. Feeling scared and lonely I am afraid is something we all understand. Hey, look at the upside, I now know somebody called Heather.:smile:
Thank you both for your replies :grin:it feels good not be alone in my thoughts and feeling's.
Life is just a little bit difficult at the min but hey
as they say tomorrow is another day.:grin:
Regards Heather
This is what this form is about: mutual support.
Thank you moderators for taking that thread off. A tad too late, better late than never. It has gone well past the voyeuristic, amusing stage. The online battles are now boring, boring, boring,..............

please oh please can we get back to cheery banter or beery chanter ASAP?
Ali, I do have the hospital visit went well. Heather, I hope life is improving. ROS, do not desert us.

Might I suggest that those who insist on battling away do so privately. Or maybe you need an audience.
Post deleted
My previous assertion that this forum is run with an "all stick, no carrot" mind set has again been proved spot-on.

Personaly ...If I GENUINELY felt that was the case I'd grab my coat and hat and find another forum that was more to my liking. If you dont like the rules then your choice is simple...move on !

I find my self totaly agreeing with the action mods/admins have taken, even deleting one of my posts in this very thread. And I also agree with the mods and admins that the forum as a whole should be as a priority, a welcoming and informative place to visit for new members, to that end i will support any action that the mods/admins deem neccessary. :smile:

Nuff said......

Now.... has anyone noticed that we might get a white xmas ? :grin:

Yes, Kyloe. Some of our Scottish members are already enjoying it. We don't get snow very often around here, so when it does come we feel most honoured. I hope someone builds a great big snowman outside, I've found this huge carrot we can use!


Well this Scottish member is sick of getting wizzed on. Enough already.

So I have stayed in and watched Mrs 'Arris goes to Paris.

Restored my faith in humanity it did guv'na and no mistake.

Fred Elliot's character wants shooting, I say he wants shooting.

This is the point of the forum ...

To bleat and moan about what ails you
To point out good, spiritualy uplifting, life enhacing news and storines
To take the mickiy with some jovial banter
To make a point or six and to try and cheer each other up, at nobody elses expense rather than cheap point scoring to cheer yourself up at the expense of others sensibilities.

It was the late great Jimmy Saliva who once said 'clunk click every trip'.

I hoped by the time I typed that I would have come up with a slogan about checking your posting before clicking on 'Post' which brings me to my last point - getting help and support from each other, something we are brilliant at and in the best position to do.

That said can someone help with my slogan.

Have the best day ever you gorgeous beautiful people

In the words of Lady Gaga and taken too far by Kitty on X factor, tell yourself

[I was about to quote the lyrics to 'Born This Way' which would have been an infringement of copyright, so you'll need to look it up yourself.]
i would like to second Mr Ecks motion.
There are more points to this forum than a hedgehog, we all get different things out of it. After all, we have nothing in common other than a disease.

slogan: for-um-and-ah before you send, or you'll regret it in the end

i for one regret some recent posts.
the quest for a slogan is a just and noble cause

does this work for anyone?

Post within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, meds to take, encouragement to give.

or, more succintly:

These Eight words the Rede fulfill:
"An Ye Harm None, Post What Ye Will"

Elegant Fowl

inspired by & adapted from the wiccan rede
I agree it is a just and noble cause as was mrs. t. starting this thread and Eck's last post.

Any slogan that comes out of this will likely be better than anything we could come up with because...well, because you came up with it.

This section in our current guidelines is a bit dry and it's not clear that it's something people who are new to the forum will want to read.

Once you've decided what the slogan should be, should we add it for posterity to the guidelines we have now?

i can't see any way of 'us' deciding anything as there is no process for voting or making decisions.
discussions go on forever and usually end up with someone being banned for life, or longer (just a little joke cause you ignored my splendid slogan).
"Dont be a moron when you post on the forum"

Ahem.....i'll get my coat :grin:
Hi turnip,

All the slogans have been splendid so far!

I think you have a point there. A community that can't reach consensus--interesting problem.

Well, if there is interest, I could see whether we could try to set something up so forum members can vote anonymously on their favourite choice.

But I wouldn't want to hijack what you're all doing here. Let me know if you want me to find out whether this is possible.

Just a reminder
Try to be kinder

Be supportive and kind
For complete peace of mind
I think this should be put beside (or inside) the 'Post' button.

Have I read the T&C's?
If I post will it please?

Still not in Jimmy Saliva's league, but still ....
Or how about a 'Temperance' page pops up after your Post click.

A compulsory preview page with a countdown timer, playing evangelical music while asking

"Are you 100% sure you want to post this?"

"You may find this hilarious, but will anybody else?"

"Goad blesh us, everyonee' - Tiny Tim

"Slow to anger quick to something else"

and have a ticker tape along the bottom with loads of slogans extolling the virtues of the forum.

Compelling the user to clean up their act.
what about
'would you want your Granny to read this in heaven?'
Threatening to kill someone's Granny is a tad harsh, :fearful:but may prove to be very effective for those who continue to thwart our efforts to clean up this town. I was going to say city but we don't have a cathedral.

Unless the aforementioned granny is dead and was well respected.


(always important to end a jokey post with a smiley face)