The pons machine is the best hope for those with parkinson's and their carers

Dear Etienne,

The Pons machine works on a variety of brain malfunctions. MS, Parkinson’s, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury. Clinical trials have not yet been completed for Parkinson’s, but there is every reason to believe it will help significantly. The last news we had was that it would become available sometime from July -
December 2018. There are many hundreds if not thousands awaiting it’s commercial availability.

Best wishes


That reply doesn’t answer Etienne’s question, which was how it works in PD.

Commercial availability isn’t the problem, it’s reliable reproducible and controlled trials to show that it works in any brain condition that are missing, in 40 years of development. Bit of a handicap, that.

This advertising drags in…could Admin either explain the advantages of this thing, the proof it works…or stop further posts.
Because of the oldest post first arrangements, new members will scroll through pages and pages of advertising before coming to any criticism.

Do you currently have a better alternative you can recommend??

There is little positive in any responses, and it is easier to criticise. Being positive helps Parkinson’s people, being negative and critical doesn’t. It is not advertising, it is merely standing up for something which I have studied for a great deal longer and in greater depth than the critics. Can I guarantee it will work for you or anyone else? No I can’t. Do I believe it will help? yes I do. I wish someone would offer me a solution which they know will become available and will for certain help my wife. Try reading my website and maybe you will realise being critical and negative isn’t good for you! Sadly in the fifteen or more years my wife has had Parkinson’s, we are not one meaningful step nearer to a cure that I can see if we follow the chemical cure route. Maybe the solution will come from elsewhere. If you can show me any clinical trials on anything for Parkinson’s which you know of which has a chance of changing lives, I would very much welcome it.


Hi island Mike

I read your post on here in relation to nicotine patches and would like to know where you have discovered that “it has long been known that smokers are less likely to develop Parkinson’s”. When I was diagnosed some ten years ago a specialist said exactly the same thing to me, and I have to say that it was one of the easiest claims to refute as the statistics just don’t back it up at all.

  1. The majority of Parkinson’s diagnoses still occur in those over 60.

  2. smokers are definitely in the minority of the population as a whole, and in particular in those aged 55 plus, the percentage of those who smoke is much lower than in those under 40.

  3. It can be taken then that the majority of Parkinson’s diagnoses the patient is either someone who has never smoked or someone who has quit smoking and that the oft quoted rubbish that people who smoke are less likely to develop Parkinson’s is bunkum and I challenge you or indeed anyone to provide concrete proof that smoking in some way gives you a lesser chance of a Parkinson’s diagnosis. I am sorry but this is a myth that has, in my opinion, been perpetrated for far too long, and when you say in your next sentence “Nobody knows why this is the case”, you pretty much give a clue to the authenticity, or lack of such, of this oft-repeated tripe. Do you really think that it there were any truth to smoking lessening the chance of a Parkinson’s diagnosis, that we would all be shakingly sparking up our cigarettes with the nicotine stained fingers of a 30 a day habit? Lol duh Homer!!

Hi Parkopete

The info on smoking and Parkinsons isnt tripe, it’s historical statistics going back years. Just because doctors dont know why this is the case doesn’t make it untrue. After all, doctors didn’t know how Aspirin worked for at least a century after it was developed.

If you note in my original post, I pointed out that the reverse isn’t true - that is, that smoking does not affect or improve the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Good job, really, we’d all be dying of lung cancer!

I hope this clarifies things for you, and shows you how to reply to a post without resorting to personal abuse.

All the best


Also if you google “does smoking reduce risk of Parkinson’s”, which I did out of curiosity, you will find plenty of links to scholarly articles which accept this, including some which present hypotheses as to why this is the case.

Ok island Mike and thanks for the information, whilst I accept there possibly is a link albeit a rather tenuous one, between smokers and developing pd, historical statistics do not in my opinion, stand for very much. I’m reminded of Henry Ford and his quote about lies, damned lies and statistics. I still maintain that the majority of Parkinson’s diagnoses are amongst a section of the population that has the lowest percentage of smokers and I believe that this has not been taken into account at all, and that therefore “statistically”, the amount of diagnoses made will be predominantly of non smokers leading to a belief, and I still contend it to be an incorrect one, that people who smoke have a lesser chance of developing Parkinson’s.



Pete, I think you’re misunderstanding how scientific studies generate the statistics. They will be looking at the percentage of smokers and non-smokers who develop PD rather than the absolute numbers. The link below has some statistics (if it works - I haven’t tried to insert links before)

I take it with your support for the PONS machine that your wife has been using it.
Do I take it she is cured or miraculously improved?
That would make sense if your post…

Oh my god yes that is precisely what I have been trying to say to you all. The study that you sent me a link to even, upon further examination did not compare like with like.

To truly be fair on the whole shabang you would have to get thousands of persons who have never smoked and compared them with persons who had smoked for the exact same years that their non smoking fellow participants had not and to have any semblance of fairness the two groups would have had to have been of at least similar age/gender/sociological grouping etc etc and then throw a Parkinson’s diagnosis/or not for each participant into the mix and you are going to end up with an absolute and utter disaster from which no reliable data could possibly be gleaned. Or at least that would be my “misunderstanding” of how ‘scientific’ studies generate the statistics". Why do you think it is that scientists claim that '.……nobody knows why it is …etc blah blah blah . Just because I have not seen little green men from Mars after all does not mean that they truly don’t exist after all know does it?? Lol

Hi Pete, having worked as a research scientist for 22 years I’m afraid I do have a fair amount of respect for scientific studies and am not sure quite where your reasoning comes from.

I did find another paper suggesting why smoking might have an impact but frankly don’t have the time to research this as it’s not really relevant to me. I can’t go back in time and try smoking to ward off PD and, even if I could, I’ve watched relatives die from smoking-related emphysema and heart disease so smoking is obviously not a sensible choice. Should have drunk more coffee though…

Also, the beauty of scientists is that they will hardly ever claim anything with complete certainty because, well because mostly nothing is certain. I rather like this aspect.

Hi all,

Just thought I’d add my two pence to this discussion by pointing you in the direction of our blog post on nicotine and it’s surprising properties in relation to Parkinson’s. Feel free to check it our here,

Hope this adds some value to your discussion. :blush:

Best wishes,

Thanks @Reah, that’s very interesting!

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Hi all

Well, in response to the study information on Parkinson’s Disease and risk reduction via smoking/nicotine and alcohol consumption I must have ran over several Chinese families holding black cats in a previous existence lol as a 30 a day smoker up until recently and also someone who enjoys more beer than is probably good for me, I still managed to get pd at age 42 so make of that what you will lol.

Just to let everyone know that there are major steps forward with the Pons machine.

  1. FDA registration has begun and is expected to take until February 2019.
  2. There is every likelihood Pons machines will be commercially available shortly thereafter, no definite time
    frame but in the first half of the year.
  3. Parkinson’s UK management have been informed of these developments.
  4. I am hoping to carry out a local trial with six friends locally with Parkinson’s at the earliest opportunity and will report back.


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As you are clearly an advocate of this PONS machine - what exactly is it ?? Also presumably being an advocate you have been using one for your wife ? Information on how it has helped her would be useful. Regards

The Pons machine is a small electrical device which is connected to a small pad placed on the tongue. It fires high quantities of very low electric current, via the VAGUS nerve directly to the brain. I cannot offer you any information on my wife, since we do not have one and none will be available until early next year. We have been waiting for it’s public release for several years. There is a book, The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Dioges. It is available from bookshops or Amazon. 56% of the way through the book (I read on my i phone)
there is a section called three resets. It provides three specific stories, one about recovery from a Stroke, one about recovery from Parkinson’s and one about recovery from M.S. all using the Pons machine to “rewire the brain”. The book is about a variety of treatments on the brain and about it’s plasticity - ie it’s ability to find new neural pathways. I strongly recommend you read it as it has a wealth of inspiring stories. The Pons machine is now undergoing FDA approval in the USA having had excellent results in a clinical trial on Traumatic Brain Injury. The results surpassed all expectations without any side effects. The US Defence department has been experimenting with the Pons machine for the last few years on injured soldiers. There is no other treatment available in any form for Traumatic Brain Injury. Clinic trials have also been successful on MS.
My goal is to get Parkinson’s UK to set up a clinical trial here on Parkinson’s at the earliest possible opportunity. I hope that helps.


It’s actually by Norman Doidge, not Diodge…

Latest news on PoNS development in Canada…