Cowboy101 here, My wife could not sleep `til 3am last night and has a very worried anxious feeling for much of the time. She has been diagnosed with Parkinson`s for about a month, and her doctor told her very sternly to see him on the appropriate date after their last appointment, she now finds that the appointment she made on 21st June is on the same day as the forthcoming doctor`s strike. `Phoning her surgery for an appointment is never an easy business, as the receptionists` at that surgery have a tendency to put appointments on hold, whatever that means, and finding an appointment for the appropriate date is quite an onerous task. At the moment she can`t check the validity of her current appointment, does anyone have any tips that might help her with sleeping or relieving some of the anxiety? All comments gratefully received, Best Wishes Cowboy101.
Hi Cowboy 101
Don't forget the Parkinsons UK helpline top left of this page. They are very knowledgeable and experienced and will arrage for a nurse to speak to you. You mention your wife's "doctor". I take it this is the local GP. Very few GP's have any great expertise in Parkinsons. Have you got a specialist Parkinsons Nurse inyour area? The consultants dont always tell people about them or you can fall through the net anyway. I know how anxious you can get when you don't seem to be able to get medical advice and myself been reduced to tears trying to get an appointment with my GP and I'm a mothers of two middle-aged sons who I don't think have ever seen me cry. Its easy to say but one of the main problems with insomnia is worrying about it - a vicious circle as it were.
Best wishes
Don't forget the Parkinsons UK helpline top left of this page. They are very knowledgeable and experienced and will arrage for a nurse to speak to you. You mention your wife's "doctor". I take it this is the local GP. Very few GP's have any great expertise in Parkinsons. Have you got a specialist Parkinsons Nurse inyour area? The consultants dont always tell people about them or you can fall through the net anyway. I know how anxious you can get when you don't seem to be able to get medical advice and myself been reduced to tears trying to get an appointment with my GP and I'm a mothers of two middle-aged sons who I don't think have ever seen me cry. Its easy to say but one of the main problems with insomnia is worrying about it - a vicious circle as it were.
Best wishes
P.S. The address below should take you to the Parkinsons UK publication on sleep problems direct or go to the Parkinsons UK home page and you will see there is a PUBLICATIONS link
Anyone know how to turn the above into a hyperlink. I'm sure I've done it before
Anyone know how to turn the above into a hyperlink. I'm sure I've done it before
Oh I see, it turns itself into a hyperlink when you post.