Haha yes that made me smile… and so true
I think it’s hard to watch someone you love suffer and not be able to do anything.
REM sleep is unbelievable. Hubby once had it on a return flight , on a family vacation. I’m sure the people behind, thought hubby was turning into the hulk. My son and son in law had to practically hold his arms still and we then fed him coffee all the way home.
I have thought of sleeping in another room, but he sometimes gets out of bed , convinced he’s being chased.
It’s really bizarre, as he looks fully awake , but talks like someone possessed.
I’m still filming him, he’s aware of this, but not ready to watch.
When he has full body tremors, (twice a day) he says they are painful and wipe him out. He sometimes has tears rolling down his cheeks . His eyelid twitches first and his left hand and foot start to tap rhythmically. He used to pill roll, but now his hand is like he’s playing the piano. He has a pain behind his right eye .
His gate is slowing but he still walks 4 miles a night and suddenly he’s adding salt to his food.
His cholesterol has risen , and he is up all night going to the loo. His prostate is fine , but he has bouts of prostatitis.
Apart from all this, hubby is as fit as a fiddle Thankfully we can laugh about it, even if we want to cry…
Anyway thanks for listening and happy Friday everyone