1st day on meds

Today is my 1st day on prescribed meds (Stinmet) and i feel horrible today…worst day in months. Up till now Ive been self medicating with Dopa, Maca, CBD and Ashwagandha which really seemed to help with everything but the depression.

So…what i’m wondering how did you all feel on your 1st day of meds? Is this normal, is there an adjustment period needed to get used to the new meds?

My legs feel weaker than normal, feel jittery, slightly dizzy light headed (not too bad) headache, depressed and very unmotivated

Thanks for any input

Hi Bodyman,

Sorry to hear you’re struggling. It may be a good idea to take a look at our website, where you can find lots of information and advice about different kinds of medication: https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/information-and-support/drug-treatments.

You might also want to try giving our Helpline a call, as they’ll be able to advise you on any and all aspects of your condition that are causing you concern. You can call free on 0808 800 0303, on Monday-Friday from 9am-7pm, and on Saturday from 10am-2pm.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Moderation Team.

Thank You !

Hi, I have been looking in to Ashwagandha and found your post. I am interested in finding out if you are still taking it in addition to your prescribed medication and is it compatible?
I understand it is available in tablet form.