About myself

hi I am recently diagnosed with pd.to make matters worse I have macro degeneration in both eyes.i find it hard to read letters and the internet.i am on 4 madopar capsules a day.my tremor in my left hand is worse when I am out walking.i also have a b12 deficiency .I feel as I have no energy. sd the pd nurs is going to send me to have physio when I can I had to give up driving last year after 51 years which makes life difficult.by the way my name is john 73 and ihave been married to jenny for 49 years she is my rock.

Hi @JDwhiskey123, :wave:

Welcome to the Parkinson’s UK forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

It sounds like things have been really tough for you recently - I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Finding out you have Parkinson’s affects everyone differently. Some people go through a range of emotions, especially if you have other issues such as the ones you’ve described, however, you’ve taken the right approach by speaking to your Parkinson’s nurse.

We have a ‘newly diagnosed’ section on our website with a lot of helpful information that will be very useful to you at this stage of diagnosis. It also includes an introductory guide to Parkinson’s which contains information about symptoms and treatments. Visit our website here: https://www.parkinsons.org.uk/information-and-support/newly-diagnosed-parkinsons

Our helpline and Parkinson’s local advisers are here to answer any questions you have about your recent diagnosis and life with Parkinson’s. Call us on 0808 800 0303.

Best wishes,
Forum Community Manager

Welcome. I had physiotherapy after I’d been diagnosed and benefitted from it enormously. I hope you do too.