About to blow

I just wondered if anyone else has a feeling of about to burst either in tears or anger. I’ve had this before, now I realise not everything is down to PD, seeing Consultant in Sept for follow up after meds altered so not only do I seem to be dancing from afternoon onwards, think it’s involuntary movement really but prefer to think of it as dancing. I’m just wondering if this feeling of about too blow is anxiety or just me

Hi Newdidit,

It can often be difficult to separate medication side effects from general anxiety when its comes to Parkinson’s. We encourage you to report all changes to your medical team as soon as you experience them. If you don’t have someone you can connect with quickly, please reach out to our free and confidential helpline on 0808 800 0303 and they will be happy to assist. You can also read more about anxiety on our website here: Anxiety | Parkinson's UK. You may also wish to have a search for the term, as the website contains loads of helpful data, including archived forum discussions.

Wishing you our warmest welcome,

Forum Moderation

Hi newdidit,
Yea, you are not alone, one of the side effects of PD can be exactly that.
As you know our emotions are controlled by certain sections of our brain specifically the hypothalamus, (which basically controls the anger/tears) and amygdala, areas, contained in the and limbic cortex and as such because of our situation these emotions can get hammered.
So yes, I also go through these emotions, but it does help knowing that it is simply part of the PD “process”.