
This is from another forum, discussing the merits of acupuncture in the treatment of PD. as anyone tried this and did it help alleviate symptoms?
Thanks for this Caroline!

In it states that "Controlled trials have shown that acupuncture does not improve PD motor symptoms".

Question 17 in the "Parkinson's Disease Q&A. A Guide for Patients" publihsed by the Parkinson's Disease Foundation states likewise.

Or maybe there is thus far, "no evidence".

But given the fact your link is dated August 11, 2011 I wouldn't discount it. Is a full copy of the article handy? I an only find an abstract.

Maybe someone on this site has some personal experience with acupuncture that they would like to share?

Best wishes,
i have had a course of acupuncture for the balance problems & nausea associated with vertigo. Given that the vertigo turned out to be associated wth PD perhaps it is not surprising that I cannot in all honesty say that I felt much if any benefit. Presumaby the needles go in different places depending upon the part of the body that is disordered?
In vertigo (the illness not the symptom) it is the vestibular system.
I certainly wouldn't rule it out. I think that I read somewhere that acupuncture can help with the stiffness & fatigue symptoms associated with PD.
I can't locate the source (it may have been a Dr waiting room) I will keep trying.

Thank you caroline & rico for the info
In the comments section at the end of the Channel 4 page for "Sex, Lies & Parkinson's", a contributor named MIKE recommends a visit to for details of a range of alternative ideas for PD, including acupuncture.
A couple if sites saying acupuncture is beneficial:

The latter one states "In short acupuncture may be construed as a form of deep brain stimulation via systematic stimulation of the skin. It may therefore one day prove to be an effective tool in the battle against PD." :confused:
In this sbtract the authors state "A broad battery of tests in PD patients suggested that ACUPX resulted in improvement of sleep and rest only."

I'll take that! Who knows, better sleep, less depression ...

Best wishes,

Acupuncture has a beneficial therapeutic effect in Parkinson's. It not only improves some motor symptoms but many non-motor symptoms such depression, sleep problems etc. It is a very safe and well-tolerated treatment with only minor side effect. For more info please visit

Best wishes,
