
Good Evening.
My name is Tracy and I am supporting my 81 year old Aunt with Parkinsons and Dementia. I am struggling to get information around Parkinsons care in her area. The care seems consolidated within in a neurological team with vague details. Is this a common problem. I have reached out to her GP but have been unsuccessful. Any advice would be appreciated

Hi Tracy,

We wanted to welcome you to our community forum, and hope you’ll find some comfort in the accumulated wisdom and expression here. We’re sorry to hear you’ve had difficulty finding relevant information, but happy to say we can help with that. Our first suggestion would be to call our free and confidential helpline, on 0808 800 0303, as one of the primary services they provide is locating local resources for Parkinson’s patients and carers. And as an addendum, have a look at our website here: Support for you | Parkinson's UK. You may want to make use of the search feature to look up specific topics, which will yield research news, various pamphlets, and even archived forum descriptions.

We hope this will help you in your research.

With our warmest welcome and best wishes,

Forum Moderator

Thank you very much for the welcome and advice. I will use the contact details provided. Best wishes. Tracy

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