Affected Speech

Hi everyone,
Has anyone had issues with speech, I sometimes have problems getting certain words out, it’s as if my tongue won’t move into the right position. I’m starting to become a little conscious of it and wondered what others experience has been of this.
Thank you

Hello Jools1
I had the same problem in that I used to struggle to get certain words and would trip over them. To save my embarrassment I used to try and make a joke of it by saying “I think I will say that again”. My Parkinson’s nurse arranged for me to see a speech therapist and after a couple of sessions which involved various mouth and tongue exercises my speech definitely improved. I live in Essex so not sure if this is available where you live.

Hi Alan,
Thank you, that’s good to know and I’m pleased it improved your speech. I swing between making a joke of it and getting frustrated, I expect I’ll have to change my mindset with such things. I’ll see if I can get the ball rolling.

Hi Jools1, we’re sorry you are experiencing this. We can see members of the community have reached out to support you. Please do reach out to your health care professional for support. They may be able to help you.

Best wishes
Parkinson’s UK Moderation Team

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I also have problems with my speech, it is more of a stammer, i have my 1st appointment with pd nurse this week and will see if she suggests anything, it gets worse with stress, anyone else have this?