Good morning Tot … Thank you once again for your kind encouragement. You certainly do ace “pep talks”. I have been wondering for the past hour as to whether
I should respond. It is so much easier to say “thanks” & leave it at that.
I suppose living alone as we both do & having no close friends or family to talk to makes this a place to share thoughts & similar experiences. I hope by sharing my experiences in this very long [& boring] post I can help someone as I guess it helps me.
All my life I have been an obsessively competitive sport playing person. In my younger days I have played Southern league cricket & National league hockey & in my mid 30’s to early 60’s I have played in Veteran European events & European championships at age group international level. So sport is very, very important.
In my early 60’s I took up golf full time & for the past 8 years or so I played golf to a reasonable level in Florida, where I lived for 6 months a year & then 6 months in the UK. In Florida a highlight was finishing second in a pairs high profile event. Then gradually into my life came Parkinson’s. Not all at once but gradually. It started with shaking. In stressful situations I could not hole putts. I once took 15 putts on a hole in a competition [3 putting a hole is quite bad] & people would accuse me of deliberately missing a putt to raise my handicap. From there it actually got worse where sometimes I could not move. I’d be standing over the ball & I could not move my hands & arms to strike the ball. So I had to give up golf. But I still had my walking &
I enjoyed that. 3 years ago I could walk 10 miles a day.
Then it became impossible to walk uphill. So I only went on flat walks. Then gradually the distance I could walk without my legs becoming heavy & my lower back too uncomfortable became less & less to where it is now which is basically walking from my car to where I essentially have to go to like My GP’s etc. I can walk 50 yards comfortably & 100 yards with discomfort. Now I also have to use a walking stick.
But I started playing indoor bowls about 18 months ago. About 9 months ago I had to stop that as I could not move my feet. I tried playing in a wheel chair but that didn’t work. Then came Sinemet & I can now play again. Everybody at my bowls club knows I have Parkinson’s & do help me a lot. Picking up my bowls etc … They are aware of my bowling eccentricates & my need to sit down between each bowl. Normally bowlers stay near the mat until both bowls have been bowled by both players.
I am actually surprisingly good at bowls & play in some of my club’s county league matches. I only play home matches which involves a 10 minute car drive. Away matches where I drive for an hour I find that on getting out of my car I cannot balance & I am shaking too much. So I don’t play away anymore.
I do feel other bowlers accept me. Quite a few do ask questions about Parkinson’s which is positive.
Simple things where I have problems … I really struggle to put on my right sock. Left one no problem but my right sock is a devil, so I often leave my right sock on for
72 hours before trying to change it.
A couple of months ago I missed the door opening & walked into the door frame & bruised my upper right arm. It seemed ok but I was having a bath a week later, I got in ok but for an hour I could not get out of the bath. Quite laughable really. It is a deep bath & I did not have the strength to lever myself up with my right arm. Eventually I pulled out the plug & put the bath mat into the bath & got more traction & I was out & free, otherwise I’d still be there now. I now have my mobile phone where I can get to it, even by the bath.
Cooking & eating is a problem. I do the cooking in stages as I cannot stand for more than two minutes. My eating is mouth to plate rather than fork to mouth. The number of times that food has fallen off my fork due to my shaking or I miss my mouth & stab myself. Of course I now only eat alone. Making a cup of tea is easy enough but I can’t transport my mug to where I want to drink it without spilling most of it. Part solution is having a large mug & only fill it half full or make my tea on my bedside table.
I find sitting down brings on my gait freezing & standing up for more than a couple of minutes brings on my gait freezing. The only place I feel comfy & warm is in bed. My GP & physiotherapist both think I should not stay in bed more than normal, but what else can I do?
I feel very frustrated that I am losing my mobility & nothing is being done that will help me. At 70 I do not consider myself old.
Then there is my medication I am on a lot. Every time I mention a problem I get given another pill or two. I’m sure they are not all helping me.
Then there is tiredness, nightmares & hurting myself while I sleep [REM].
I’m sure others are worse off than me & are dealing with things better than I am at the moment, you have my respect & sympathy.
Well rant over. I’m now off to play bowls.
I do now realise that my newly diagnosed spinal stenosis is as much to blame as my Parkinson’s. Good to know what is wrong with me.
Thanks for listening.
Best wishes