Anyone female around age 50? Looking to connect/ help and share

I have posted on this topic before but as there are always new people joining the forum and there seems to be more openness about the Menopause now, after the Davina McCall tv programme on HRT, I thought I would post again.

Really looking to connect with anyone on here who is around my age (51) and female. I am on HRT now. It seems to help.

I am not diagnosed but due to my mum having Parkinsons for 19 years, I am super aware and obviously lived her life with her so know all the little things along the way that we dismissed at the time as ‘odd little things happening’ but then later (years later), learned that this was all par for the course with Parkinsons.

I am interested in any learnings on Menopause and Parkinsons/ HRT/ impact of loss of estrogen based on my mum’s experience.

So the reason I would like to concept with age 50+ women is to try to untangle what is menopausal related/ Parkinsons or something else, we can probably compare notes along the way.

I basically want to be as healthy as I can, live my life, and try to have an awareness of what’s going on with Parkinsons as I think there will surely be advances with slowing or averting it soon!!

I eat plenty of veg, always have, but more so now, stopped drinking, drink plenty of water and try to get daily exercise but still feel like I am ‘slowing up’. So will be good to chat to try and help each other. Please get in touch. Thank you in advance.

Hi HavanaS I think it is good that you are looking into PD amd the menopause but me myself reading your post just seem to think that because mum had PD you think that you might get it , Piease don’t take offence at my reply as I think you are doing a good job. I went though my change at 40 and was also on HRT. but PD is not selective it likes any age and doe’s not mind what sex you are. I was dianosed when I was 62 my mum had Dementia for the last 9 years of her life she was 99 when she passed away, Mum was 50ish when she went though her change no HRT in those day;s. Not sure if any of this helps you, Don;t give up younever know you might be on to something.

Thank you for getting back to me.

Here are some recent articles.

“Biological factors related to a later age at menopause — possibly a longer exposure to female sex hormones or other biologic causes of later menopause —might be neuroprotective and prevent or delay a PD [Parkinson’s disease] diagnosis in women,” the team concluded.

Here is another recent article on the role of Estrogen.

Estrogen may play a protective role against the development of Parkinson’s disease.

According to a 2020 study, females who experienced longer fertility and later [menopause] had a decreased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. The exact reason for this is unknown.

In my mum’s case at least, there was a direct correlation in coming off HRT after 11 years and the first tremor starting a month later which is why I find the link interesting:- whether the HRT held the Parkinsons at bay by the supply of Estrogen. Of course, I am not medical and there are many complex things are that could be contributing factors.
Just something I would be interested to know more on

I was diagnosed at 44 & went thru M last year at 52.

Hi this is a really interesting thread and one worth keeping an eye on! I was diagnosed some 18months ago, after a medication review it was suggested adding in another PD med but decided against it and asked my GP for FBC and at the time she suggested my hormone levels. Results came back and I’ve had no symptoms to my knowledge unless buried in all the issues in recovery from a shoulder injury but apparently it appears I have gone through or am in the throws of menopause. Relieved tbh, some ladies I beleive really struggle with symptoms, I think it is worth taking into account having any condition/diagnosis/label one should not automatically take it that any new symptoms/developing symptoms are part of the same condition. Had I not had the blood tests I’d have been non the wiser! Always worth asking the questions! I would recommend keeping a diary/journal it’s a useful tool when seeing any of the medical team you may be under, particulary with C19 I have felt there has been no joining up of the dots when you may be under more than one consultant/GP/doctor and saves a lot of worry having to recall everything! Take care