Apomorphine side affects

I've had my Apo pump for about 5 months with mixed results.  My dosage has recently been increased and I am experiencing horrible side effects.  Feeling really low and depressed.  Unable to cope with usual daily tasks.  Has anyone experienced these problems? Is it normal to feel so bad?  Not sure whether to continue with current treatment or go back to my Nurse. Has anyone been using Apo pump and then had to change to alternative treatment plan - if so, what sort of treatment?

Thanks all, 

Desperate Anne...

Hi Annelouise

i have only just come across your post so you may have progressed to other treatments by now. But just for the record I had similar problems with Apo plus being quite thin I had trouble finding a suitable site for the needle.I therefore gave it up and am now on the list for DBS

Hope you find the right treatment