
Hello all hope everyones well…i just have a quick question…my husband and i went to see his pd nurse last week, his on a lot of meds and now as the apo go pump and pen but nothing at the moment is helping with his dyskinesia and they are now trying him on Amantadine to see if this will help. In the letter that’s been written to the doctor for this and i receive a copy too, shes put she will see him again in 6 weeks to see if this tablet as helped and if not will discuss increasing BD does anyone know what that is? Thanks Dawn

Hi Dawny81,

The best thing to help would be to get botox injections into the muscles of his neck.
It makes an enormous difference to me.

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Hi Clive
Thanks for your reply, i will mention this to him :blush: thanks again

So glad I could, maybe, help.
I’m not sure where you live, but I would presume the UK, so I’m not sure how the system there works, but in South Africa, I live in Cape Town, it is fully covered by medical aid as a chronic condition.
I have the ‘jabs’ every four months.

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Yeah we are in the uk. That asnt been mentioned to him in any appointments as yet, but i will be be asking when we go again. I think if they agree it will be covered here too :blush:

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From Google - BD refers to “bis in die” meaning twice a day . BD terminology is used when doctors prescribe medicine to be taken “twice daily”. If OD is written, that means medicine should be taken once only everyday.

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Hi Dusty68
Thank you so much for that, makes sense to me now :blush: thanks again