
my husband has had pd for 21 years the last 6-8 months have been very hard
he has been having hallucinations and his nurse provided a prescription he had an appointment yesterday and she has altered his medication from 1 tablet 5 times
a day to 2 tablets 4 times a day she did not seem to worried about his behaviour being so cruel accusing me of all sorts of things and tonight he has put his coat on and is insisting he is walking to the pub never been there before and doesnt drink
#just dont know shat to do ant advice please

Hi, my dad has also had PD for 20+ year and has recently started having more severe hallucinations. A couple of nights ago one where he was stuck in a box. After some frantic googling what we found useful advice was not to to argue or dismiss the hallucination but to focus on their feelings. When I spoke to dad after the episode it was clear that even during the episode was aware it was not real. Sometimes he can tell when they are about to start so we are putting in place a sign he can give us.
Wishing you all the best, Michelle

Hi Michelle, welcome to the forum and thanks for joining in with a post so quickly.

Hallucinations can be from Parkinson’s itself or from the medication. It’s good to hear that your dad was aware what he experienced wasn’t really happening, and I hope that he was able to tell you what he might need during this time. Did you get advice from his GP or Parkinson’s nurse? At any rate, it sounds like you had great insight and worked with your dad on managing them. You can read more here.

I’m looking forward to seeing more from you on the forums soon!

Forum Moderation Team


I haven’t got any advice as such, only to say my dad is in the latter stages of Parkinson’s, having had it for nearly 20 years and we are experiencing this behaviour as well, it’s so hard to deal with so my thought are with you. My dad regularly shouts out in the night, wakes us up to tell us there is either a fox in his room, a dog or indeed my uncle hanging off the lights, or comes down in the kitchen rummaging for food and gets so aggressive when we try and steer him back to bed. The aggression is something I’m personally struggling with - literally brings me to tears daily now

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Hi Hannah,
We’re sorry to hear things have gotten so difficult with your father. We would only remind you that our helpline is for carers as well as people with Parkinson’s, and recommend you reach out to them on 0808 800 0303 for loads of helpful recommendations with regards to dealing with such stressful experiences. Your health is, of course, important to guard as well.
With our warmest wishes,
Forum Moderator