Being a guinea pig""

Does anyone know how to get on a clinical trial ? Last time i asked a consultant (i've seen 6 different ones in 3yrs !!) he told me my symptoms weren't "bad enough" - i'm physically fit (ran a marathon in May)just how "bad" do you need to be ??
Look in the 'take part in our research' section under the 'research'section of this site. There is a list of studies and trials that may be recruiting. Different trials need people at different stages - some affected by PD some not. check the criteria for each trial - email the organiser and that is it......

Hi helshubby,

I know it's an American site but try

At the very least it is full of very useful information (in preparing for a trial etc.)

It's actually easier to get into a trial if you are relatively "healthy". Trials have been known to be skewed towards patients with no co-morbidities and a lot (if not the vast majority) do not want patients taking PD meds.

Maybe, in your circumstance, a US trial cannot be ruled out?

Best wishes,
And also try

just found it in my bookmarks :rolling_eyes:

eg enter parkinson's uk in the search box

Best wishes,
Cogane is currently undergoing Stage 2 trials, with recruitment continuing to the end of November.

Primary entry qualifications, are that you were dxd less than 2 years ago, and that you are not on PD medications

Thanks everyone for your help - i'll just have to keep looking i guess. Diagnosed in 2005 an have been on Requip since 2007 (Requip XL last 18months) so probably won't fit criteria ? Keep healthy !!