Just a quick question, which emergency alarm response button would you recommend?
For the user to press when they have a fall or such things.
I have been looking about and there seem to be so many, and can't really find many actual user reviews
Thanks for your help
I use Carelink/lifeline connect which you can get through the local council, you have to pay according to your situation and need two people as contacts if possible if not they send someone out to make sure you are all right. They are really good and if you fall it is better for them to ring for an ambulance or doctor as they usually get them quicker. My friend has had two falls recently and they were extremely good. I hope that helps.
best wishes vivian
Thanks very much for that advice, thats the one the OT advised I must admit, they just seemed more expensive than other (not that i'm a penny pincher when it comes to my father health) so was looking about and see what everybody else though/views were
We are looking for something to wear around the neck which he can press and then I could hear him in the house. What make is it?
Hi.. I have lifeline button I wear around my necnec. Iit goes off anifd I feel I can cope it has a button that cancels the call, so you know that you are not being a nuisance, but when you need someone, they will come. I also have key safe if it is the emergency services that come. It was set up by our local social services. I had to self refer because I had not been dx and I thought problems were from a stroke a few years back and I had a very unhelpful gp at time. Acgood gp will refer to social services I think, but on your local social service site there should be a self referral page where you explain your problem then they will get you assessed and sort it out.ancel ithe loudspeaker phone thing can hear you from most of the house and they place it in a good position to do sooudspeaksooudont know if that helps?ontpeak.