I seem to be producing a lot more "stuff" these days, i.e. earwax, nasal mucus, and the like! Is this just old age, or might it be PD related?

thank you for sharing that.
you know your old when you look forward to going to the barbers for a good eyebrow trim.

you know your old when you look forward to going to the barbers for a good eyebrow trim.

HaHaHa so funny but also so true , a mixture of parkys and old age i think lol
I'm going to clip my ear hair today.
Anyone need hair extensions? Willing to trade for a blood transfusion. O+'ves only p603lease.
I thought I was going mad for a while until I realised that one of the ear-pieces from my iPod was still lodged in one of my ears.
Eeeeh, I remember when having some Mantovani during the night was a good thing.
Now, I just need to find my circuit breaker in case these trimmers go through its own cable. Oh and goggles ...
Anyone need hair extensions? Willing to trade for a blood transfusion. O+'ves only p603lease.
I thought I was going mad for a while until I realised that one of the ear-pieces from my iPod was still lodged in one of my ears.
Eeeeh, I remember when having some Mantovani during the night was a good thing.
Now, I just need to find my circuit breaker in case these trimmers go through its own cable. Oh and goggles ...