Can anyone help please?

Hi everyone. I am Mike, an autistic (aspergers)man from London aged 55. I dont even know if I am in the right place on this website but I see a neurologist on 18th June 2019 with Datscan results due to all over body pain,stiffness and a left hand tremour.
The letter says " reduced uptake of tracer on right side of brain". I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia earlier this year.
Does reduced uptake of tracer and hand tremour suggest parkinsons?
I had the scan in January and just got the letter this week as my gp told me to chase up the hospital as I had not heard from them.
Thank you

Hi @MikeR
I’m Tommy, I’ve absolutely no idea what “reduced uptake means” but someone will come along who knows.
Perhaps you could give the helpline a call tomorrow.
Anyway to answer your other question.
Yes! You are in the right place and very welcome too.
When the forum wakes up there will be plenty of advice to be had I’m sure.
Good luck on the 18th
Tommy :pill: :pill: :pill: ™

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Thanks so much Tommy.

Hi @MikeR,

Just to echo Tommy’s advice, please give our helpline a call on 0808 800 0303 as they’ll be able to offer you more insight into this.

Best wishes,

Hi Reah
I spoke to the nurse from this website and she said the reduced uptake of the tracer during a Datscan is indicative of parkinsons but to speak with the neurologist on the 18th June 2019.
Thank you

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Hi @MikeR,

I’m glad to hear that you were able to get a definitive answer from our helpline.

Best wishes,