Can intestinal bugs really cause Parkinson´s?

This video is the story about my experiment with Fecal Transplant against Parkinson´s, using "the soup" from Karolinska Hospital, Sweden.
Don´t worry - there are no embarrassing scenes.
This story has now lead to a study being set up on Parkinson´s and "the soup", a bacterial ecosystem meant to restore the intestinal balance.


or go to and search for "holy parkinson´s"

What do you think ??!

Anders M. Leines, PD patient, Oslo, Norway
1 Like
Never mind the fecal transplant!
What drug is he on now?
He walks perfectly, no shuffling, no tremor, no loss of arm swing, no signs of Parkinson's at all!
Why he would want other treatment I have no idea.
beautifully filmed.
we had a thread on this about a year ago.
so many possible causes out there! my personal list has 12 at least.
Thanks. I think.
He´s on (I´m on) Azilect 1mg and Sifrol 1.57 mg. Diagnosed 2 1/2 yrs ago.
I have several of the typical symptoms, but doing quite good so far. And I wish to continue like that.
I do LSVT BIG (see video on Youtube) eat blueberries and 900 mg Q10 every day.
Try to avoid stress in my life and be positive.
Parkinsonsmovement ambassador.


And this too - Fecal transplant against Parkinson’s disease | Biocodex Microbiote Institute (

I wonder if there’s ongoing research on this?