Cant get a Datasacan

I need some assistance please !
I saw my consultant over 12 wks ago and she did tests as I thought it was essential tremor. She said I didn’t meet the criteria …tremor at resting as well at posture with reemergence component. , my right side arm doesn’t swing and I fell over doing toe to heel test amongst not being able to bend .
I eventually had a MRI all ok for age ……getting the DatScan is proving difficult. To be told they think it’s Parkinson’s but need this scan and can’t get it is not good,! I’m very stressed .

Any ideas please ? many thanks

Hi @Elaine.cartwright, :wave:t5:

Well come to Parkinson’s UK. :blush:

This must be really frustrating for you and I’m sorry that you’re feeling stressed. I would encourage you to speak to your GP again and take a note of all your symptoms to document how they’ve progressed over time. This will give them more to investigate and if you need support on this, we can arrange for a Parkinson’s nurse to contact you via our free helpline service.

One of our trusted advisors would be happy to arrange this for you - please give us a call on 0808 800 0303.

Best wishes,
Forum Admin

Hi @Elaine.cartwright,

So sorry to hear your story and I fully understand your stress, I am in the same boat. I was put forawrd for a DatScan back in March and finally had it on the 4th July, no results yet.
I didnt believe in stress until I started this journey, now it seems it is my closest friend, I have become more stressed ‘since’ having my scan.

Has your neurologist requested the scan?

Keep smiling.