Can't get a job

Right, I'm not normally one to come on forums and have a moan but I've had it.  I took redundancy in 2013 to become a stay at home dad and in January this year started to look for work again.  I've got a pretty impressive CV (if I do say so myself) and am lucky enough to have had DBS so my PD (which I've had since I was 22) doesn't stop me from working.  However since  January I've had 13 interviews and every one has been a no, and I've disclosed my condition at or before every interview.

My feedback has been 99% positive, with one exception being I lacked a bit of knowledge around a particular area of work I'd be doing, but by and large I haven't had any negative feedback, or tips to improve on.  I can get quite dyskinetic at interview but always give full answers and don't try and brush off any questions.

Should I start thinking the worst of employers?  

Am I naive i thinking that employers won't take my condition into account (though they would never admit to it)? 

Is 13 interviews and 13 no's in six months standard in this current climate, or should I start being  suspicious?

Has anyone else experienced similar problems?

 I want (and need!) to work so much, and given that I had surgery to prolong my abililty to work and provide for my family it's crushing to hear no after no and each time wondering was it my PD?

Sorry, rant over!



i've no idea what you've applied for or what your field of work or applied for is, but i'm betting competition is pretty intense for anyone looking for a job/employment or a career too fufill aspirations or financial needs tight as things are with bills and living, I think it's great you feel capable enough too want too work, but dont beat yourself up because it's in no way your fault, also help needed from the Gov in the independent living fund enabling a potential employer too keep and retain your skills is under threat.

I would say i'd have a pretty impressive CV too from working in agriculture,horticulture,forestry, ministry of defence, firearms orientated environment  too finally catering for 14 yr's, but i reached the end of the road not knowing at the time the cause.

If i did  i'd have too be pretty honest in saying if i could go back into that things would be pretty tight in lots of ways, risk assessment in different way,adaptation, and in all honesty could i make a living for myself and be beneficial,useful, too a employer, at the moment i cant see that. that wouldn't be fair too me or them.

I also did agency work for a while, I don't know if you've already considered it,or looked at it or done it??, they should be disabled charter marked(that is who we are essentially even if we dont like too think in that way), but it used too be in a better climate a way too get a inside view without being a commitment of a  full time employee, could open doors too moving full time if you like it and so wish, and gives you a taster for you of different work places too fit you and them.

All the best. 

hi guys i have applied for well over 200 jobs since march 20th 2015 only had four interviews and been told NO NO NO NO, there is no doubt in my mind i am judged on two points wrong side of 50 december this year and without question my pd but off course we need proof.


bb x 

hi bb

I can only speak for myself

I Started out this journey too not knowing what was apparently wrong with me only i was unable to do the job(catering) and unsafe within the work place, I now have a name for the illness which i didn't have at the time,it's effects now and what may be the future and a realisation that  just trying too carry on the motions of being employed for the sake of it within it in any capacity would be impossible from both sides as a employer and employee.

it wouldn't be viable for them too employ me as a business and it wouldn't be viable for me too make a living. All my aspirations are trying too make the best of now for the future might be very much less, I have slogged my guts out for Nothing all my working life, now is my time too live and not worry about making myself a martyr for a statistic, I may have less money, and so be it, but the end result will be the same in the End regardless.

If you feel able and want too work then Great that's your aspiration perhaps the answer doesn't lay for you within a conventional Job, take your time deciding what that is if that's the case, a job that suits you.rewarding, i think you know what i mean.


Hi Sea angler,

I do know what you me and yesterday I had good new I enquire about a work training placeSoment with my local builder, not only did he agree there is a job available at the end of the placement.  

So as long as I do ok the job will be mine yippeeeeeeeeeeeeee yi yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..



That's Great BB Hope all goes well.

thanks sea angler means a lot xx