Hi All. Can anyone recommend a car insurance company for Parkinson’s drivers?
All insurance companies will give you insurance my insurance went down
Hi, thanks for the post. Do you mind me asking which insurance company you used? Thanks
Hastings direct
Great, thank you.
Hi…we use Liverpool and Victoria and when my Husband was diagnoised they told us it would make no difference to our insurance,as long as he kept his license. No extra increase on our renewal…just normal yearly rise. Hope this helps…
Hi. Oh, thank you, that’s great news. Phew!
Same with NFU no problems renewing etc
K x
Hi, thank you. My partner is so relieved, me too.
Have you informed the DVLA of your diagnosis? It is an offence not to
Thank you.
We’re insured with Direct Line, no price increase. Said they only need to know if the DVLA impose any restrictions on my husband’s licence - he’s the one with PD.
That’s great, thanks. Really appreciate the post.
I found Churchill really helpfull chatted to a polite lady in customer care dept who had a good basic undestanding of Parkinsons
Hi Dotti 1 have u sorted your insurance out now?
Thanks for letting me know that. Good to hear.
Thanks for letting me know that. Really appreciate it.
Sorry, been trying to reply to you to say thanks! Just getting the hang of the forum.
We can get on to it now. Thanks
I’m in a three year medical license, my insurance came down, I think it’s because they know I’m being monitored by DVLA every three years.