Cataract Surgery

Please, is there anyone amongst us who has experienced Cataract surgery, and if so do you have any hints or tips on how to lie still? I am due to have my second surgery in January ‘24. I have Clonazepam tablets and am wondering if I should take one an hour or so before the procedure to calm me down a little.
Would really appreciate your thoughts because my Parkinson’s nurse is no longer available.

Hello Welshlady … My advise would be to talk to the person doing the cataract
surgery. I will bet that you are not the first Parkinson’s patient they have had.

I had eye laser treatment 5 years ago & it wasn’t really an issue for me.

Best of luck.

Have ha cataract on both eyes no problem just try and relax

My husband eventually got on the list for general anaesthetic for a cataract due to bad tremors. The nursing perception in the eye department was it had to be local anaesthetic and if he felt a tremor coming on he could grip the nurses hand hard and she would ask the surgeon to stop as soon as practical. It was only me pointing out that sudden uncontrollable tremors and jetks were a health and safety risk to surgical staff (ie a kick in the goolies wouldn’t just offend but could harm staff and blind my husband) that general was agreed. On the day, surgeon was keen to go the local route, as it is my husbands limbs and not his head that jerks. Amazing new kit follows the eye exactly and surgery was simply and easily completed under local anaesthetic. Do beware that any signs of Parkinsons dementia may increase for a while ( and in some cases permanently)