Checking For Interest In A UK Parkinson's Therapy Centre

I am keen to gauge the level of UK demand that exists for the kind of services offered by the European Parkinson’s Therapy Centre in Italy.
Anyone who has had the good fortune to do the programme in Italy will acknowledge that it is truly awesome but relatively few people currently take advantage of it.
If we had a similar centre in the UK that could offer a five day immersive programme of therapy covering medication, lifestyle choices, psychology and exercise would people flock to sign up?
If you are interested, please join the thread …


I would but would need to be near Lincoln.

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Hi I am interested in this

Yes definitley, I am thinking of going to Italy but would prefer the UK

Hi yes I would like to have time at a place where you can learn about your illness have treatments and meet friends.

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Yes - would be very interested in this

A centre is fine if you live close enough to access it. Which in my case is extremely unlikely.
So I’d not support the idea.
Disseminated, county-level, access to expertise such as provide is best: for the many not the few.

I would be very interested. I see a private physio about every three weeks… He works by trigger point therapy. I’ve not been due to being in neuro hospital for 4 weeks, I went just before Christmas and now struggling to most daily tasks due to pain and more frequent muscle spasms. It would be good to go and get a MOT…

This sounds really interesting, and I’m sure my husband would be keen to visit such a centre of excellence.

I would be interested.

Very interested on behalf of my husband

I’ve never heard of the Italian centre before. How much does it cost?

Hi Jane,

Suggest you visit their website for more info at Parkinson Therapy and Rehabilitation Centre
The fee for the week is €500 but you have to add hotel and travel.
My wife and I went in Sept and we paid £1000 for the week for the hotel and full board and about £500 for air travel in addition to the programme fee.

Hope this helps,



I am sure there must be loads of people who would be interested. i certainly hope so.


This is a really interesting idea, and I think we’d be willing to make the trip from the Isle of Man, where we live, to a centre in the UK.

Hi Everyone,
Since I started this post a year ago we have now developed a UK-based weekend residential programme called Fighting Fit which is designed for working-age people with Parkinson’s. This takes place in Aylesbury and we have three weekends planned for 2019 - March, July and October. The full details are on our website Our inaugural weekend event last November was awesome. Check it out.
You can express interest by clicking
Best regards,

Yes definitely, would be wonderful
I live in Norfolk and there isn’t even any PD warrior classes here :weary:

Hi Greenhaven
My husband would definitely be interested in this. We live in Suffolk