Cocaroldopa side effects

Hello my name is Paul my partner was diagnosed with pd when she was 40 she has managed to mostly get by without too many problems until after lockdown she got a new specialist who put her on cocaroldopa she had been on this medication years earlier with no problems but this time within just a few days she started leaning drastically to her left drooling from the mouth and basically looks like she has had a stroke we stopped the medication and she started to straighten up but not to how she was she still drools and is mostly out of it for lack of a better explanation if anyone has seen or had similar I would love to hear from you thanks Paul

Hi and welcome to the forum @Cuners53. You’ll find everyone here very friendly and supportive. You’re naturally worried about your partner and I hope that you can get some answers soon. Have you already spoken to your Parkinson’s nurse or specialist about this? They may have some answers and hopefully this will set your mind at ease. The members here may also have some personal experience that will help.

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