Coming home for Christmas

My Dad is in his mid 80's and had PD for about 10 years. He is now virtually bed ridden and requires help with food and the loo.

He was admitted to hospital after a rapid deterioration in his health. All his vital indicators are now stable, although he still complains terribly about the cold. He loved the bear-hugger blanket, but the hospital staff would not allow him to keep it as his temperature reached normal. They removed it and it immediately his temperature dropped again, but rather than give him the bear-hugger back (which he absolutely loved), they just wrapped another blanket around his feet (which already had thick fleece socks to accompany the beanie and gloves!!)

He is coming home today along with a range of drugs for 'end of life'. He is really excited about coming come and in a whisper now, he tells us he 'can't wait to get back in front of the TV and the Sky sport channel'. It is true he is incredibly frail and I understand why the medical team might think it is near the end, I remain optimistic that he will make it to Christmas (and beyond?!)

I am quite nervous about having him at home knowing that these could be his last days/weeks, but also know he will get loads of attention here at home and we will keep him warm. The house full over Christmas. I hope it will not be too tiring for him.

He has the occasional good day and wants to get out of bed and sit in a chair or stand for a while.

He is also looking forward to a brandy and water (albeit mixed with thickener) when he gets home.

Does anyone have any advice for home care knowing the next few days could be his last?


so sorry to here this,i cant recommend a care home but i can recommend these socks ,they are called smart wool ,as i have had pd nearly 10 yrs & suffer with very old feet i hope your dad sees Christmas im sure he will .

Thanks for that - found some on Amazon (add to the Christmas stocking!)

Hi Joey P........At the risk of sounding flippant, when I read your post it sounded as if you had been given some sort of DIY end of life klit.  You might want to refer to the NHS official line which mentions community nurses  being involved.

When I discharged my mother from hospital at the age of 89 as they had said she was not suitable for rehab.  I had found this out from the hip  surgeons secretary, they said she might last a few months. She died just short of her 100th birthday in her own bed.    The moral of this story being you have to look to the future whilst  taking each day as it comes.  Your father sounds to be in a good place mentally lookin g forward to the Sports programs and his brandy tipple.

Have a lovely Christmas