Hi, my name is Erin Taylor and I am a fourth year speech and language therapy student. I am carrying out a research project titled:
Romantic relationships: a qualitative study describing the experiences of the partners of people with communication difficulties
I am looking to recruit the spouses and/or romantic partners of people with communication difficulties such as aphasia, dysarthria (e.g slurred speech) or dysphonia (voice problems).
This project aims to explore the experiences of the romantic partners of people with communication difficulties, and to discover if/how they feel the difficulties influence their relationship. Participants will be interviewed about their experiences of living with somebody with a communication difficulty and their romantic relationship. Some of the topics that may be discussed could include communication, intimacy, loss and adapting to change, but these are a guideline only. Research of this kind may help health professionals provide improved support for the partners and family members of people with communication difficulties.
If you participate, you will be asked to take part in an interview for approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour. The interview will be audio recorded. The interview can be in person, over the phone, or through Skype video messaging.
Some anonymous quotations from the interview may be published in the finished written project, but the remaining data will be destroyed. If the study is published, you will not be identified and data will remain completely anonymous and confidential.
A copy of all data and the finished report can be made available on request. Contact details for the researcher will be provided for all participants.
If you are interested in hearing more about this project, or would like to participate, please feel free to contact me using the details below:
Full name: Erin Taylor
Institution you study/work at: Manchester Metropolitan University
Email address: 11015065@stu.mmu.ac.uk
Phone number: 07903775725
Postal address:
C/o John Lancaster
Manchester Metropolitan University
Birley Fields Campus
Health Professions Department
53 Bonsall St
M15 6GX
The closing date for recruiting participants is Friday 10th April 2015.
Thank you for your time!