Concerned I may be showing symptoms

Firstly, I know that the internet can be a dangerous thing when looking at symptoms and neither I, nor anyone other than my GP can diagnose. However … I have been having some symptoms over the last few months which my GP is struggling to diagnose. I came across your site when looking for information for a client and some of the symptoms of PD look familiar.
I am 60 and find that my hands are often very shaky (to the point that people notice and comment), I get terrible headaches daily, suffer from very cold feet during the day and an intense burning and tingling sensation in my lower legs and feet at night, often get an urgent need to urinate causing me to rush to the loo and whilst it doesn’t usually wake me a night wake up desperate for the loo. Also bad constipation. I also have constant dull pain in my ankles and left knee and hip. I do sleep badly and consequently feel exhausted all the time with little motivation, anxiety and depression. The anxiety and depression are a chronic condition resulting from intense pressure at work leading to a breakdown in the '80’s.
I can imagine my GP rolling his eyes if I suggest it might be Parkinsons judging by internet research and don’t want to look like a hypochondriac!!
Has anyone else experienced these symptoms (without muscle cramps, difficulty with movement, sweating, etc) and been diagnosed with PD as a result?
Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated before I become paranoid!
Thank you

Hi Yvie
Please allow us a moment to welcome you to our forum community. It’s a lovely group of people who always have some wisdom to share, some of whom are bound to introduce themselves soon. We’d also like to make sure you’re aware of the resources we provide, along with the forum. We have a website with research, articles, and archived forum threads, here: We also have a free and confidential helpline staffed with advisers who can help with everything from medication questions to finding local support, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You can reach them at 0808 800 0303, so please do reach out if you have any questions unaddressed here. Let me add that we certainly do not think you are a hypochondriac, and I would tell your doctor what you are thinking and worrying about as we are sure that he’ll either put your mind at rest or go down the route of tests to determine what it is. Anyhow, I’ll let some of our brilliant members offer their advice.
All our best,
Forum Moderator