Coping with night time incontinence

We recently ‘discovered’ the external catheter and my husband is currently using 500 ml leg bags at night but I have to keep checking and emptying. Although this is preferable to him having to get up in the night, I still have to be alert during the night. I’ve looked on the Beambridge website and they do 750 mil leg bags and also 2 litre drainage bags. Does anyone use the 2 litre bag and do you fasten it to a stand? I’ve just done a live chat on the website and they say you can just have the bag loose - don’t think I’d trust that, even thought J is not a fidgeter during the night.

Thanks in advance, from a new member.

Hi Hebe,
We just wanted to welcome you to our forum community. Please have a look around and you’ll find a variety of posts from our members, including their own experiences. I’m sure it won’t be long before someone can help or advise regards incontinence issues. If you’re not aware, we have a website with helpful material, including archived forum discussions, here: And please feel welcome to reach out to our free and confidential helpline at 0808 800 0303 with any questions or just if you would like to chat with a friendly and knowledgeable advisor.
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Hi Hebe,

The only thing I can suggest, although I have no doubt your doctors have mentioned this, but I would suppose that if your husband, actually stops his fluid intake at least 5-6 hours before he goes to sleep, that should help drastically in the release of fluid during the night?

Hi Clive, thanks for your reply. He doesn’t drink anything after about 6pm. The sheaths are a game changer for us; J was wearing Tena pants at night and often slept through peeing. Often they were unable to contain the amount and the bed would end up wet. Putting clean bedding on in the middle of the night is no fun at all, so the last four nights since starting to use the sheath have been bliss! My only concern now is me not waking up to empty the bag, hence my question about the larger bag.

We have 3 litre disposable night bags. Important to drink at least 2 litres daily hence large bags. We get ours through Scripteasy. Recently have convenes changed though and new ones not so good. Apparently shortage of latex due to Ukraine war. Any recommendations appreciated. ,

Just reread your letter. Yes we do use a stand. Always have. Used to use 2 litre bags but they weren’t big enough.
Ask for a visit from the continence team through yr gp then all free.

GP referred us to continence nurse in January. We’ve had a confirmation letter but that is all.

Hi Hebe,

Why don’t you try changing the last glass of water/beer/whiskey… :sunglasses: to say 17:00 or 16:00.
I am not saying nothing, but just when is necessary.