Cough remedies

Not sure if I am able to mention a product by name but this is a warning for anyone with PD - my husband had a chronic cough and I bought him Bronco Stop lozenges - he suddenly had a loss of movement completely unable to get out of bed without help and unable to walk - I did not put the two and two together until he took another one for his cough (which I have now corrected with Vitamin B12 1000 ug see another post I have just put on forum) once again unable to walk unaided and legs completely frozen - eventually I got him back to normal but suddenly realised this has something to do with those lozenges they have nasty ingredients and I will be writing to the manufacturers to alert them to the problems they caused but would like to warn any PD sufferers to be very careful and avoid this product.

Thank you for sharing this redhead01 - if it’s okay with you we may forward this onto our research team as a heads up. Do let us know if you are comfortable with this.