
Unfortunately I have just tested positive for Covid and so has my husband with Parkinson’s. I’m so shocked we’ve come this far without contracting it as we’ve been so very careful. Both quite symptomatic with the general symptoms but I am just wondering if anyone could advise whether there is anything specific in regards to my husband that we need to be on the look out for?
Many thanks in advance

Hi @nurseydid, :wave:t5:

I’m so sorry to hear that you and your husband have contracted Covid - I can imagine how disappointing this must be for you both especially as you’ve been so careful.

We have updated information on Covid-19 for people with Parkinson’s and those caring for people with Parkinson’s via the Parkinson’s UK website here. I’d definitely encourage you to take a look at this information as it has a lot of helpful advice and tips that I’m sure will be of benefit to you and your husband.

Please take and I wish you both a speedy and safe recovery. :blue_heart:

Best wishes,

Hi nurseydid, thankyou for your post, I too have just tested postiive. Been so careful and like you wonder the same question. Anyone notice any difference in meds working or not and impacting on PD symptoms? Thankyou and stay safe :smile: