Datscan aftercare

Has anybody had a Datscan and had aftereffects. Also I am getting different timings for holding my grandchild 1-3 days . Can anybody help ?

Risk of radio active exposure to third parties has no “threshold” just a gradually decreasing risk. leaving a complete [24hours] after the end of the day [12 midnight] of your test [dependent on test time] would seem a sensible compromise

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I didn’t have any side effects. How are you doing now?

Ok just a bit anxious waiting for results Still having tremor . My mental state is not good though or myself at all . Also they had run out of tablets at the hospital , I had a vile medicine , but some hospitals have advised tablets the day before and on the day , just concerned. Tgankyou so much for the reply

Good luck!
The wait can definitely be nerve wracking