Daydreams or freezing

Happy August!

I’m one year into life after a diagnosis of Parkinson’s with autonomic features.
It’s luckily early days for me - my symptoms are very manageable without stopping me getting up to (most) of what I want to.

For a moment there I was being assessed for Multiple System Atrophy but I think that’s been ruled out now. (I’m slightly confused by the autonomic aspects of my condition and wondered if this had appeared on anyone else’s letters from their neurologist?)

My latest development is a kind of daydreaming habit. I will stop and stare almost without being able to snap out of it. I’m usually thinking intently about something and I seem to push to the background or shut down the outside world. I’m told it can last several minutes.

Family have commented that it’s irritating as it will often happen during a conversation or activity. I wonder if it’s a kind of early sign of the emergence of PD freezing?

My meds are currently
Sinemet and
Clonazepam for REM sleep disorder
Propranolol for anxiety attacks

Any thoughts or similar experiences?


Good evening Jon … I was diagnosed with Atypical Parkinson’s a year ago following a positive Datscan. My big issue is Gait freezing or Freezing of Gait. Bellow sums up Gait freezing as I get it.

Freezing of gait is the temporary, involuntary inability to move . Not all people with PD experience freezing episodes, but those who do have a greater risk of falling. Usually, freezing only lasts a few seconds, but it is one of the more frustrating and dangerous symptoms of PD.

So … your “freezing” isn’t similar to what is mentioned. Perhaps your daydreaming is you struggling with actually having Parkinson’s & being distracted by it.

I too take Sinemet & have found it helps me.

I also have a lot of sleep problems for which I take Quetiapine. My GP won’t prescribe sleeping pills as they are thought addictive.

Best of luck

Thanks Steve2,

Helpful information there - I suppose your ‘freezing of gait’ is more a kind of motor symptom whereas my experience may be more cognitive or just me being tired!

Hi, as Steve says freezing is usually a motor thing. There are lots of autonmic problems in Parkinsons particularly postural hypotension and constipation but most can happen.

I would talk to your neurologist about the blank epsiodes and get advice.

Good afternoon JOnathOme … My gait freezing ALWAYS happens when I have to stop & stand still for 2 minutes. This is always when I have to join a queue, like in the Pharmacy shop or bakers. To counteract this I have to lean on a wall or lean on my walking stick, that helps a bit.

I also get problems when I stand up from sitting on a chair. Once I get moving I’m ok.
If I have to walk over 50 yards I find my legs get incredibly heavy & my back feels weird.

Best wishes

Hi Steve2,

Come to think of it…
What you describe has the same feeling about it. Stop for two minutes then return to functioning. Just in my case it hasn’t evolved into a physical thing?

Thanks Podd,

I have an appointment with my Neurologist in Liverpool very soon so it will be on my list of unfathomable things to ask questions about.

This time I’ll be ready with a script.


Hello JOnathOme … My problem is 100% not physical. It is my brain not functioning
as it should. Once I get going, I walk 100% normally. I stride out & I can swing my arms & then after about 50 yards my legs feel so heavy that I have to stop.

Of course this heavy legs might be my heart or a combination. Who knows. I have had a few recent serious atrial fibrillation attacks. But all the tests done & I’m fine & on additional medication.

Until 5 years ago I was quite a serious athlete man playing competitive international
Over 60’s sport. I am slim, don’t drink or smoke.
