DBS at Queesns Square London - Could you please advise on after care experience for anyone who may have had DBS here?

Sorry Steph,
Haven’t been on for a while.
It has been a year in May since I had my DBS!
Can’t quite believe it.
Professor F is a lovely man, very good at putting you at ease.
The first appointment is background info about you and your PD journey.
I would suggest writing out any questions you may have as I can guarantee you will forget!
Best of luck and if you get time let me now how it goes.
Annie :slight_smile:

Hi Annie,

Many thanks for your message. My daughter is coming with me so she will have a list! I will make notes about my journey, so thank you for that. My worry is waiting times as my dyskinesia/dystonia is so much worse now that sometimes it’s difficult to walk.

Best wishes

I believe the waiting list is 12 months.
That includes the testing.
Best of luck!

Hi Annie,

I’m on the list! Really liked prof Foltynie. Yes, waiting list is around 12months for assessments then approx 3 months for op if successful. So quite a wait.
I hope you are keeping well. Are all your checks now done locally?
Best wishes

So very pleased for you Steph,
Professor F really has a way of putting you at ease.
Let me know when you have your testing, I’ll let you know what to expect!
The testing is usually over two days but they put you up in a travel lodge and supply a mini bus to take and return you from the hospital. That said it is walkable in 15 minutes.
I can honestly say I feel brilliant, I actually had a bit of imposter syndrome as I do not look like I have PD now!
I have one more appointment in London in October and then I’m back under the care of my lovely consultant here.
Keep in touch and again so happy you on on the path to DBS!

Hi Steph,
I have been accepted for DBS at Queen’s Square. I am based in London so it is great I can travel to the hosiptal in under an hour. I didn’t need to stay overnight for my two day assessments, which was good, but very worrying, wondering if I would completely freeze up on my journey.
I’ve waited best part of two years, but I think Covid increased the waiting time. I am just waiting to hear when my operation is.

Hi Annie,

That’s amazing to hear you are doing so well.
I will keep in touch, I would really appreciate hearing what to expect with the tests.

Best wishes

Hi Lindsay,

Gosh two years is a long time to wait isn’t it.
Hopefully you will hear about your op very soon. Please let me know when you hear. Fingers crossed it’s soon.

Take care