Hi all, I have, it would seem, now got Sciatica. When I start walking the lower back pain moves down my right leg in the form of pins-and-needles until my whole leg and foot are dead. Then I'm in a spot of trouble and I feel as if I'm walking on a sheet of ice. I have to hold on to something to stop myself from falling. This goes after a few minutes and I'm normally able to carry on walking.
I can't figure out how much of the balance problem is Parkinson's and how much is Sciatica. Anybody share this problem? Any advice?
Hi banjo, I went to see nurse practitioner about a very similar feeling on Monday and just had a call from GP who is seeing me at 10 am today. My right leg feels numb it's like there is a band of numbness round my thigh and ankle I also have episodes of feeling like I have an electric shock in the sole of my right foot which is so painful I cannot put my foot to the floor as it wears off I have to walk on tip toe til I can put my foot down again. But the heavy and dead feeling in my leg is worse on sitting or lying in bed it truly is a pain on top of everything else I am not sure if it's PD related or something else I will let you know how it goes today Take care